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Is Database Management System most useful asset in a business organization ? Learn more

Database is a collection of related data where known facts are recorded which has some implicit meaning.A database also known as the mining world or the the universe of discourse representing same aspects of real world.

Advantages of DBMS:

1. Minimize Data Redundancy

In File Processing System, duplicate data is created in many places because all the programs have their own files. This creates data redundancy which in turns wastes labor and space. In Database Management System, all the files are integrated in a single database. The whole data is stored only once at a single place so there is no chance of duplicate data.

For example: A student record in library or examination can contain duplicate values, but when they are converted into a single database, all the duplicate values are removed.

2. Sharing Of Data

In DBMS, Data can be shared in between authorized user of database. All the users have their own right to access the database up to a level. Database Administration has complete access of database. He can assign users to access the database. Others users are also authorized to access database and also they can share data between them. Many users have same authority to access the database.

3. Data Consistency

DBMS controls data redundancy which in turn controls data consistency. Data consistency means if you want to update data in any files then all the files should not be updated again. As in DBMS, data is stored in a single database so data becomes more consistent in comparison to file processing system. Also updated values are available to all the users immediately.

4. Data Integrity

Data integrity means unification of so many files into a single file. In DBMS data is stored in different tables. A database contains different tables that are linked to each other. Many users feed entries in these tables so it is important to maintain data items and association between data items. DBMS allows data integrity that makes it easy to decrease data duplicity Data integration reduces redundancy as well as data inconsistency.

5. Search Capability

Users of database may require to fetch data from the database. There are numerous queries users may ask about the data. Search speed of the database must be fast to produce quick results. If users execute any query then it is required that he get fastest results from the database. It is an objective of database to maintain flexible search capability.

6. Security

Data security means protecting your precious data from unauthorized access. Data in database should be kept secure and safe to unauthorized modifications. Only authorized users should have the grant to access the database. There is a username set for all the users who access the database with password so that no other guy can access these information. DBMS always keep database tamperproof, secure and theft free.

7. Privacy

Privacy means up to what extent a user can access the data. It is predetermined by the DBA that who will access the data and up to what level he will be able to access it. Let say when you make a Facebook page then you have the power to give rights to other users that who will be the promoter, editor and admin.

8. Simplicity

Simplicity means to represent the overall logical view of data in a simple and clear manner. DBMS is very simple for its users who use it. All the operations like insert, delete, create and update are very easy to implement.

9. Backup and Recovery

Data loss is a very big problem for all the organizations. In traditional file processing system, a user needs to backup the database after a regular interval of time that wastes lots of time and resources. If the volume of data is large then this process may take a very long time.

DBMS solves this problem of taking backup again and again because it allows automatic backup and recovery of database. For examples, if a system fails in the middle of any process then DBMS stores the values of that state in which database were before query execution.

10. Data Migration

Data migration means adjusting storage of data according to its popularity. In a database, there is some kind of data that is accessed frequently and at the same time some data is accessed occasionally. So it is required to store frequently accessed data in a manner that it can be accessed quickly.

Disadvantages of DBMS:

1. Cost

DBMS requires high initial investment for hardware, software and trained staff. A significant investment based upon size and functionality of organization if required. Also organization has to pay concurrent annual maintenance cost.

2. Complexity

A DBMS fulfill lots of requirement and it solves many problems related to database. But all these functionality has made DBMS an extremely complex software. Developer, designer, DBA and End user of database must have complete skills if they want to user it properly. If they don’t understand this complex system then it may cause loss of data or database failure.

3. Technical staff requirement

Any organization have many employees working for it and they can perform many others tasks too that are not in their domain but it is not easy for them to work on DBMS. A team of technical staff is required who understand DBMS and company have to pay handsome salary to them too.

4. Database Failure

As we know that in DBMS, all the files are stored in single database so chances of database failure become more. Any accidental failure of component may cause loss of valuable data. This is really a big question mark for big firms.

5. Extra Cost of Hardware

A DBMS requires disk storage for the data and sometimes you need to purchase extra space to store your data. Also sometimes you need to a dedicated machine for better performance of database. These machines and storage space increase extra costs of hardware.

6. Size

As DBMS becomes big software due to its functionalities so it requires lots of space and memory to run its application efficiently. It gains bigger size as data is fed in it.

7. Cost of Data Conversion

Data conversion may require at any time and organization has to take this step. It is unbelievable that data conversion cost is more than the costs of DBMS hardware and machine combined. Trained staff is needed to convert data to new system. It is a key reason that most of the organizations are still working on their old DBMS due to high cost of data conversion.

8. Currency Maintenance

As new threats comes daily, so DBMS requires to updates itself daily. DBMS should be updates according to the current scenario.

9. Performance

Traditional files system was very good for small organizations as they give splendid performance. But DBMS gives poor performance for small scale firms as its speed is slow.

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